Dr. Amitabha Nath

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Information Technology


  • Ph.D. (Information Technology)
  • M. Tech (Information Technology)
  • M. Sc. (Computer Science)

Area of Interest

Machine learning, Data Analytics, Remote Sensing

Teaching Experience

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology NEHU, since July 2012.

Research Projects


Title: Net ecosystem production and carbon dynamics of forest ecosystems in North East India in relation to altitude and latitude gradient: Implications for carbon sink management.
Sponsoring agency: DST


A. International Journals

  1. A. Nath, A. Bortiew, G. Saha, “Changed Detection of Landsat 8 Imagery using Object Based Image Analysis with Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJIE.2020.10020950, 2019.
  2. A. Nath, F. Mthethwa, G. Saha, "Runoff estimation using modified adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system." Environmental Engineering Research 25, no. 4 (2019): 545-553. https://doi.org/10.4491/eer.2019.166
  3. A. Nath, Lalhmingliana, G. Saha, “Optimal River Interlinking using Data Driven Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, (2019): 760-765
  4. Nath, A., Mawlong, P., & Saha, G. (2019). River body extraction using convolutional neural network. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 40(8), 1741-1751. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02522667.2019.1704522
  5. Singnar, P., Sileshi, G.W., Nath, A., Nath, A.J. and Das, A.K., 2021. Modelling the scaling of belowground biomass with aboveground biomass in tropical bamboos. Trees, Forests and People, 3, p.100054. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tfp.2020.100054
  6. Ahirwal, Jitendra, Amitabha Nath, Biplab Brahma, Sourabh Deb, Uttam Kumar Sahoo, and Arun Jyoti Nath. "Patterns and driving factors of biomass carbon and soil organic carbon stock in the Indian Himalayan region." Science of The Total Environment (2021): 145292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145292
  7. Nath, Arun Jyoti, Gudeta Weldesemayat Sileshi, Sabina Yasmin Laskar, Karabi Pathak, Demsai Reang, Amitabha Nath, and Ashesh Kumar Das. "Quantifying carbon stocks and sequestration potential in agroforestry systems under divergent management scenarios relevant to India’s Nationally Determined Contribution." Journal of Cleaner Production 281 (2021): 124831. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124831
  8. Lalhmingliana, Amitabha Nath, Ch. Udaya Bhaskara Rao, and Goutam Saha. “Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach and Clustering Technique for Dam Site Selection” Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 8 Issue 1 (2020),

International/National Conf. Proc.

  1. Nath, A., Mawlong, P., Saha, G., (2019). River body extraction using convolutional neural network. In: Proc. of International conference on recent trends in electronics and computer science (ICRTECS-2019), NIT Silchar, Assam. p. 51.
  2. Amitab, K., Nath, A., Saha, G., (2016). Detection of lung cancer based on observing nodule size variation in CT scan images, International conference on computing and communication systems (I3CS’15), Vol-1, Pages 114-117, April, 2015
  3. Srivastava, D., Nath, A., Saha, G., (2016). River Length Calculation using Map Data, International conference on computing and communication systems (I3CS’16), Vol-24, Pages 821-828.

C. Book Chapters

  1. Nath, A., Amitab, K., Saha, G., (2020). Gated Recurrent Unit: An Effective Tool for Runoff Estimation. International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS’20), ISBN 978-981-334-083-1.
  2. Mthethwa. F., Nath, A., (2020). Cluster Analysis using Improved Bio-inspired Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm. International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS’20), ISBN 978-981-334-083-1.
  3. Sriraksha, Nath, A., (2020). Real-Time Data Analysis using Fog Intelligence. International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS’20), ISBN 978-981-334-083-1.
  4. Das, B., Nath, A., (2015). Sentiment Classification Using Bayesian Classification. International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS’15), ISSN: 978-1-4799-5857-01.
  5. Nath, A., Saha, G., (2015). A study on the performance of Rough Set, Random Forest and SVM with respect to Diagnosis of Breast Cancer using micro array data. 7th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic, Computing and Communication Systems (EECCS’15). ISSN: 978-2-642-24819-1.

Additional roles

  1. Coordinator of Centralized Computer Center, SOT, NEHU.
  2. Member of Board of Management Committee of Computer Center, NEHU, Shillong.
  3. Member of Board of Management Committee of Sports department, NEHU, Shillong.